January 14, 2022
Civil Procedure Code

Three Traits of Top Lawyers

There are only so many (billable) hours in a lawyer’s day and with growing client expectations, the pressure to perform near-miracles can weigh heavily on legal
December 23, 2021
Why Law Firms are Finally Investing in Legal Technology

Why Law Firms are Finally Investing in Legal Technology

The legal sector is renowned for being an archaic institution, based on precedent and resistant to change, which may explain why some law firms have been
October 27, 2021
UAE Ranked #1 In Arab Nations for FinTech

UAE Ranked #1 In Arab Nations for FinTech

The UAE has seen huge investment and growth in the Fintech sector over the last couple of years leading to it being ranked number 1 in
September 19, 2021
Blockchain, Digital Currencies, ICOs

Creating a Finance Training Plan for your Firm

At the heart of every business, is finance, so creating a finance training plan which keeps employees up-to-date with advances in technology, ensures they’re aware of