December 11, 2023
Negotiation Skills - E-Learning

Negotiation strategies for lawyers

Negotiating is a key skill in a lawyer’s repertoire; helping to close a deal, settle a lawsuit, or navigate a merger, but being a great negotiator
November 15, 2023
Coaching Masterclass - A Power Career Tool (Part 2)

Which soft skills are essential for the future?

In a rapidly changing workplace where AI, automation, and technology are becoming ever more entrenched, soft skills are, conversely, becoming increasingly more relevant for improving and
September 25, 2023
Introduction to Blockchain

Why crypto training is essential for your firm

Cryptocurrencies, blockchain, NFTs, ICOs and other associated financial technologies and advances have become increasingly integrated into almost every industry over the last few years, to the
September 15, 2023
Growing your Team to High Performance - E-Learning

How reskilling and upskilling help future-proof your firm

Reskilling and upskilling are essential strategies companies can employ to prepare for the future in a rapidly evolving business landscape. These strategies involve investing in the