Six Simple Steps to Stimulate Mindfulness at Work or Home
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Six Simple Steps to Stimulate Mindfulness at Work or Home

Six Simple Steps to Stimulate Mindfulness at Work or Home

Mindfulness hit the headlines throughout 2020 due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic sending us all into a spin with work-from-home measures, social distancing, lockdowns and health scares, but understanding what mindfulness is and actually utilizing some of the principles are two completely different things.

This blog is designed to give you some simple steps, which can be performed daily, to help you remain focussed, decrease stress, form positive relationships and encourage efficiency.

The tips can be shared with work colleagues, employees, or friends and family to inspire mindfulness in others and help combat some of the negative effects of the pandemic.



1. Understand Mindfulness and How it Helps

Understanding mindfulness, and the benefits which arise from utilizing the principles linked to it, will help you to maintain a positive attitude towards helping yourself (and others) through mindfulness techniques.

Mindfulness is:
“the practice of being aware of your body, mind, and feelings in the present moment, thought to create a feeling of calm”

Mindfulness techniques help with everyday life and work by:

• Improving working memory – has been shown in studies to increase memory capacity and recall

• Heightening metacognitive awareness – the ability to detach from one’s feelings and thoughts and to understand they are transient. Can help alleviate feelings of depression and encourages a positive attitude in stressful, complex or tense situations

• Reducing stress – it has been noted, even among those who are terminally or critically ill, that mindfulness techniques can reduce stress levels and encourages a positive state of mind

• Lowering anxiety – similarly, mindfulness has been seen to lower anxiety levels (especially those with low self-esteem) which helps when communicating, and increasing awareness of self and others

• Lowering emotional ‘reactivity’ – remaining in control of your emotions will help to avoid instant ‘reactions’ which may not serve you or others. Processing before acting, thinking before speaking, and considering before judging, are instances in which mindfulness is beneficial

Understanding what mindfulness is, and how it can help in different settings and ways, is the first step towards encouraging a mindful workplace, home and community.

Share your new knowledge with colleagues who might be struggling with their workload, feeling isolated when working from home, or a friend that makes rush decisions which aren’t in their own best interests and see others benefit from it too.



2. Lead by Example

It is all well and good sharing your knowledge of mindfulness with others but if they don’t see evidence of your efforts, they are likely to assume you are being inauthentic.

Leading by example, where mindfulness is concerned, means not making hasty decisions, avoiding demanding behaviour, demonstrating and encouraging creativity, showing you take ‘time out’ from work, and expressing acceptance and appreciation.

Find opportunities within each day to inspire, encourage and stimulate your team and colleagues so that they can view the benefits of mindfulness for themselves through your actions.



3. Take Time Out for Yourself and Allow Time to Others

Taking time out for yourself is vitally important within mindfulness as it is in these quiet moments that we learn to connect with our thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Imagination comes to the fore when our minds ‘switch off’, inspiring a different way of thinking and processing which can encourage the solution we were frantically searching for to come to mind.

For example, you have probably noticed, after a good night’s sleep, that issue which couldn’t be resolved yesterday can now be overcome with a clear mind and fresh perspective.

Allowing and encouraging others to take a break, get some fresh air, or simply get a good night’s sleep can do wonders for productivity, creativity and motivation.



4. Perspective and Clarity

When aiming to encourage mindfulness, especially within the workplace (even when that workplace is the spare bedroom or home office) it is essential that we consider other people’s perspective and ensure our own clarity.

Making a snap decision based on a momentary feeling, thought or emotion is never a good idea, so before starting a meeting, making a call, or replying to an email take a moment to compose yourself and ensure you are feeling clear, calm and confident.

Similarly, consider how other people might view your actions or responses and reflect from their perspective.

Encouraging others to think outside of their own perspective is vital for inclusive teams, harmonious relationships and mindful workplaces.



5. Take Note of the Little Things

Working in today’s fast-paced business world often creates an environment where there seems to be no time to notice the little things that can make a big difference each day.

Back-to-back meetings, endless emails, clients’ concerns or managers’ expectations can dominate your day leaving you feeling as if there is no time for mindfulness.

However, even the smallest of things can be used as a moment of mindfulness and can be incorporated into your day without much effort.

For instance, when washing your hands, notice the sensation of the water running through your fingers, the smoothness of the soap and the temperature of the water. Take a moment to absorb these feelings and allow your mind to process them.

Or, when in a virtual meeting, take time to consider your posture, feel your feet on the floor, the table beneath your hands, the length of your spine and your position in the room around you.

It is also beneficial to take time to notice little things about other people too – thank someone for holding a door for you, reward team members’ efforts, and show appreciation and thanks whenever possible.

Remember; slow down, take time to breathe, reduce anxiety, encourage mental space and notice your surroundings.



6. Be Kind, Considerate and Conscious

Being ‘emotionally present’ is essential for successful mindfulness.

At times, we all react out of a feeling of urgency, overlooking other people’s feelings, our own wellbeing, and the true nature of the moment.

For instance, when we are under pressure to meet a deadline and a colleague asks for help with another matter, we are inclined to react in haste with a negative. Speed and anxiety create a ‘fight or flight’ response which is given without greater consideration for the wider context.

However, an emotional response, which is created when we take a moment to pause, breathe and reflect, will be one that is more beneficial for all involved.

Once a thing is said out loud it cannot be retracted, so, think before you speak, act kindly, consider others and stay conscious of your thoughts, feelings and emotions.


If you have any mindfulness tips, or suggestions, you’d like to share with others, please use the comment section below.