September 19, 2021
Blockchain, Digital Currencies, ICOs

Creating a Finance Training Plan for your Firm

At the heart of every business, is finance, so creating a finance training plan which keeps employees up-to-date with advances in technology, ensures they’re aware of
June 9, 2021
Blockchain, Digital Currencies, ICOs

An Introduction to Blockchain and Bitcoin

Blockchain has been steadily increasing its standing since its creation back in 2008 but its value as a revolutionary technology for the storage and dissemination of
August 13, 2020
Innovative Fintech Startups for Financial Health in MENA

Innovative Fintech Startups for Financial Health in MENA

We are all aware that the FinTech industry has completely revolutionised the financial sector in recent years with instant mobile payments, cryptocurrencies, and the introduction of
July 16, 2020
Technology and the Changing Face of Financial Transactions

Technology and the Changing Face of Financial Transactions

The Covid-19 pandemic has increased the speed with which the financial services industry is changing to keep pace with innovations occurring in response to the lockdown